Algesal activated ointment 60 grams

Algesal activated ointment 60 grams

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Precio: €8.12

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Algesal activated ointment 60 grams

Action and mechanism

- Association of [ANTIINFLAMMATORY FOR EXCLUSIVE TOPICAL USE] and [ANALGESIC] of the non-steroidal type, of the salicylate group, which acts by preventing the synthesis of prostaglandins and other prostanoids, by inhibiting cyclooxygenase (diethylamine salicylate) with a local anaesthetic (myrtecaine).


- Local symptomatic relief of painful or inflammatory conditions of traumatic or degenerative origin of joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles ([ARTHRITIS], periarthritis, [CAPSULITIS], arthrosynovitis, [TENOSYNOVITIS], distortions, [TORTICOLIS], [LUMBALGIA], [CONTRACTURE], [BURSITIS], [TENDINITIS], [CONTUSION], [LUXATION], [ESGUINCE]).



- Cutaneous use exclusively external.

- Adults and children over 12 years of age: apply 2 or 3 times a day.

- Do not apply for more than 7 consecutive days without consulting a doctor.

Guidelines for correct administration

- Apply a thin layer of the product to the affected area with a light massage to facilitate penetration.

- Wash hands after each application.



- Although local administration minimizes the risks of systemic use, topical application on large areas of skin, open wounds, mucous membranes or eczematous skin, prolonged and with the use of occlusive dressings, can cause systemic effects, It should therefore be remembered that its use is not recommended in patients who have had allergic reactions (rhinitis, asthma, pruritus, angioedema, urticaria, shock or others) caused by acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs due to the possibility of cross-hypersensitivity.



- May cause local skin reactions such as contact dermatitis due to cetyl alcohol content.

Advice to the patient

- Avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes.

- Do not use with occlusive dressings or apply simultaneously to the same area as other topical preparations.

- Do not use for prolonged periods of time or over large areas.

- Use only on intact skin, not on open wounds, mucous membranes or eczematous skin.

- Do not expose treated area to the sun.

- Wash hands after each application.

Special warnings

- If symptoms persist for more than 7 days or if irritation or worsening occurs, the patient's clinical situation should be evaluated.


- Do not use with other rubefacient skin preparations as their effects are potentiated.


- The safety of use has not been established during pregnancy. Its use in these circumstances should be carried out according to medical criteria, assessing its benefit/risk, since the components can be absorbed systemically through the skin causing systemic effects.


The safety of use has not been established during lactation. Although systemic absorption through skin use is very small, the preparation should not be used during lactation unless medically indicated, as the components may cross the placental barrier.


- Not recommended for use.

Adverse reactions

Exceptionally, erythema and stinging at the site of application.

May cause [ERYTHEMA], [PRURITURE], sensation of [CUTANEOUS IRRITATION] at the site of application and local allergic sensitisation, effects which subside when application is discontinued.

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